Research projects


This page presents my ongoing and completed research projects, along with relevant details and collaborations.


NetCost (A network approach for quantifying the impact of change) was a Young Researchers project funded by the French National Research Agency. Its goal was to develop a conceptual framework for quantifying the cost of changes in complex systems by measuring their impact at different scales, with a focus on individual elements within the system. The framework, based on complex network science, was applied to three spatial systems relevant to urban planning, ecology, and spatial economy. The project ran from January 2018 to March 2023. [Role: Scientific Coordinator]

NetCost project logo

BONDS (Balancing BiOdiversity CoNservation with Development in Amazonian WetlandS) is a Belmont Forum and BiodivERsA project funded through the International joint call on “Scenarios of Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services”. The purpose of BONDS was to combine conservation and development stakes in scenarios of biodiversity and ecosystem services for the extensive floodplains of the world’s largest river system: the Amazon. The project ran from March 2019 to March 2022. [Role: Investigator]

BONDS project logo

IMAGINE (Integrative Management of Green Infrastructures Multifunctionality, Ecosystem Integrity and Ecosystem Services: From assessment to regulation in socioecological systems) Using a multidisciplinary approach across six case study territories spanning a European north-south gradient from the boreal zone to the Mediterranean, the IMAGINE project aimed at quantifying the multiple functions, ecosystem services, and benefits provided by Green Infrastructures (GI) in different contexts from rural to urban. The project ran from February 2017 to January 2020. [Role: Investigator]

IMAGINE project logo

Cultural Ecosystem Services: An Empirical approach across European landscapes and beyond is an AHIA research project funded under the ALTER-Net High Impact Actions. The project ran from February 2017 to February 2018. [Role: Scientific Coordinator]

ALTER-Net logo

INSIGHT (Innovative Policy Modelling and Governance Tools for Sustainable Post-Crisis Urban Development) is a research project funded under the ICT Theme of the European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme. INSIGHT aimed to investigate how ICT, with particular focus on data science and complexity theory, can help European cities formulate and evaluate policies to stimulate a balanced economic recovery and sustainable urban development. The project ran from October 2013 to October 2016. [Role: Investigator]

Insight project logo

EUNOIA (Evolutive User-centric Networks for Intraurban Accessibility) is a research project funded under the European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme ICT Programme. The goal of EUNOIA was to take advantage of the opportunities brought by smart city technologies and the most recent advances in complex systems science to develop new urban models and ICT tools empowering city governments and their citizens to design better mobility policies. The project ran from October 2012 to October 2014. [Role: Investigator]

Eunoia project logo

PRIMA (Prototypical Policy Impacts on Multifunctional Activities in rural municipalities) aimed to develop a method for scaling down the analysis of policy impacts on multifunctional land uses and on economic activities. This method relied on micro-simulation and multi-agent models, designed and validated at the municipality level, using input from stakeholders. The models addressed the structural evolution of populations (appearance, disappearance, and change of agents) depending on the local conditions for applying the structural policies on a set of municipality case studies. [Role: Investigator]

PRIMA project logo