On this page, you’ll find a list of my publications, along with links to associated materials such as PDFs, source files, source code, and visualization repositories when available. A BibTeX entry for citation is provided at the end of the page.
Lenormand M, Féret JB, Papuga G, Alleaume S & Luque S (2025)
Coupling in situ and remote sensing data to assess α- and β-diversity over biogeographic gradients.
Ecography (in press).
Open science:
Denelle P, Leroy B & Lenormand M (2025)
Bioregionalization analyses with the bioregion R-package.
Methods in Ecology and Evolution (early view).
Open science:
Vallée J & Lenormand M (2024)
Intersectionality approach of everyday geography.
Environment and Planning B: Urban Analytics and City Science 51, 347-365.
Open science:
Lenormand M (2023)
TDLM: An R package for a systematic comparison of trip distribution laws and models.
Journal of Open Source Software 8, 5434.
Open science:
Lenormand M & Samaniego H (2023)
Uncovering the socioeconomic structure of spatial and social interactions in cities.
Urban Science 7, 15.
Open science:
Dubos N, Préau C, Lenormand M, Papuga G, Montsarrat S, Denelle P, Le Louarn M, Heremans S, Roel M, Roche P & Luque S (2022)
Assessing the effect of sample bias correction in species distribution models.
Ecological Indicators 145, 109487.
Open science:
Dubos N, Lenormand M, Castello L, Oberdorff T, Guisan A & Luque S (2022)
Protection gaps in Amazon floodplains will increase with climate change: Insight from the world’s largest scaled freshwater fish.
Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems 32, 1830-1841.
Open science:
Préau C, Tournebize J, Lenormand M, Alleaume S, Gouy Boussada V & Luque S (2022)
Habitat connectivity in agricultural landscapes improving multi-functionality of constructed wetlands as nature-based solutions.
Ecological Engineering 182, 106725.
Open science:
Préau C, Dubos N, Lenormand M, Denelle P, Le Louarn M, Alleaume S & Luque S (2022)
Dispersal-based species pools as sources of connectivity area mismatches.
Landscape Ecology 37, 729-743.
Open science:
Lee-Cruz L, Lenormand M, Cappelle J, Caron A, De Nys H, Peeters M, Bourgarel M, Roger F & Tran A (2021)
Mapping of Ebola virus spillover: suitability and seasonal variability at the landscape scale.
PLOS Neglected Tropical Diseases 15, e0009683.
Open science:
Lenormand M, Pella H & Capra H (2021)
Animal daily mobility patterns analysis using resting event networks.
Applied Network Science 6, 7.
Open science:
Lenormand M, Arias JM, San Miguel M & Ramasco JJ (2020)
On the importance of trip destination for modeling individual human mobility patterns.
Journal of the Royal Society Interface 17, 20200673.
Open science:
Chiffoleau Y, Brit A-C, Monnier M, Akermann G, Lenormand M & Saucède M (2020)
Coexistence of supply chains in a city’s food supply: a factor for resilience?
Review of Agricultural, Food and Environmental Studies 101, 391-414.
Open science:
Billaud O, Soubeyrand M, Luque L & Lenormand M (2020)
Comprehensive decision-strategy space exploration for efficient territorial planning strategies.
Computers, Environment and Urban Systems 83, 101516.
Open science:
Jahel C, Lenormand M, Seck I, Apolloni A, Toure I, Faye C, Sall B, Lo M, Squarzoni Diaw C, Lancelot R & Coste C (2020)
Mapping livestock movements in Sahelian Africa.
Scientific Reports 10, 8339.
Open science:
Lenormand M, Samaniego H, Chaves JC, da Fonseca Vieira V, da Silva MAHB & Evsukoff AG (2020)
Entropy as a Measure of Attractiveness and Socioeconomic Complexity in Rio de Janeiro Metropolitan Area.
Entropy 22, 368.
Open science:
Bassolas A, Gallotti R, Lamanna F, Lenormand M & Ramasco JJ (2020)
Scaling in the recovery of urban transportation systems from massive events.
Scientific Reports 10, 2746.
Open science:
Mazzoli M, Molas A, Bassolas A, Lenormand M, Colet P & Ramasco JJ (2019)
Field Theory for recurrent mobility.
Nature Communications 10, 3895.
Open science:
Highlights: Nature Physics
Lenormand M, Papuga G, Argagnon O, Soubeyrand M, De Barros G, Alleaume S & Luque S (2019)
Biogeographical network analysis of plant species distribution in the Mediterranean region.
Ecology & Evolution 9, 237-250.
Open science:
Lenormand M, Luque S, Langemeyer J, Tenerelli P, Zulian G, Aalders I, Chivulescu S, Clemente P, Dick J, van Dijk J, van Eupen M, Giuca R, Kopperoinen L, Lellei-Kovács E, Leone M, Lieskovský J, Schirpke U, Smith A, Tappeiner U & Woods H (2018)
Multiscale socio-ecological networks in the age of information.
PLOS ONE 13, e0206672.
Open science:
Lamanna F, Lenormand M, Salas-Olmedo MH, Romanillos G, Gonçalves B & Ramasco JJ (2018)
Immigrant community integration in world cities.
PLOS ONE 13, e0191612.
Open science:
Highlights: National Geographic
Barbosa-Filho H, Barthelemy M, Ghoshal G, James C R, Lenormand M, Louail T, Menezes R, Ramasco JJ, Simini F & Tomasini M (2018)
Human Mobility: Models and Applications.
Physics Reports 734, 1-74.
Open science:
Lenormand M (2018)
Generating OWA weights using truncated distributions.
International Journal of Intelligent Systems 33, 791-801.
Open science:
Louail T, Lenormand M, Arias JM & Ramasco JJ (2017)
Crowdsourcing the Robin Hood effect in cities.
Applied Network Science 2, 11.
Open science:
Highlights: Le Monde
Lenormand M & Ramasco JJ (2016)
Towards a Better Understanding of Cities Using Mobility Data.
Built Environment 42, 356-364.
Open science:
Bassolas A, Lenormand M, Tugores A, Gonçalves B & Ramasco JJ (2016)
Touristic site attractiveness seen through Twitter.
EPJ Data Science 5, 12.
Open science:
Lenormand M, Bassolas A & Ramasco JJ (2016)
Systematic comparison of trip distribution laws and models.
Journal of Transport Geography 51, 158-169.
Open science:
Lenormand M, Picornell M, Cantú-Ros OG, Louail T, Herranz R, Barthelemy M, Frias-Martinez E, San Miguel M & Ramasco JJ (2015)
Comparing and modeling land use organization in cities.
Royal Society Open Science 2, 150459.
Open science:
Lenormand M, Gonçalves B, Tugores A & Ramasco JJ (2015)
Human diffusion and city influence.
Journal of the Royal Society Interface 12, 20150473.
Open science:
Lenormand M, Louail T, Cantú-Ros OG, Picornell M, Herranz R, Arias JM, Barthelemy M, San Miguel M & Ramasco JJ (2015)
Influence of sociodemographic characteristics on human mobility.
Scientific Reports 5, 10075.
Open science:
Picornell M, Ruiz T, Lenormand M, Ramasco JJ, Dubernet T & Frias-Martinez E (2015)
Exploring the potential of phone call data to characterize the relationship between social network and travel behavior.
Transportation 42, 647-668.
Open science:
Louail T, Lenormand M, Picornell M, Cantú-Ros OG, Herranz R, Frias-Martinez E, Ramasco JJ & Barthelemy M (2015)
Uncovering the spatial structure of mobility networks.
Nature Communications 6, 6007.
Open science:
Campelli B, Lenormand M, Fleurquin P, Ramasco JJ & Eguíluz VM (2014)
Movilidad y transporte: un viaje a traves del espacio, de la ciudad al mundo.
Revista Española de Física 28, 37-41.
Open science:
Lenormand M, Tugores A, Colet P & Ramasco JJ (2014)
Tweets on the road.
PLOS ONE 9, e105407.
Open science:
Lenormand M, Picornell M, Cantú-Ros OG, Tugores A, Louail T, Herranz R, Barthelemy M, Frias-Martinez E & Ramasco JJ (2014)
Cross-checking different sources of mobility information.
PLOS ONE 9, e105184.
Open science:
Louail T, Lenormand M, Cantú-Ros OG, Picornell M, Herranz R, Frias-Martinez E, Ramasco JJ & Barthelemy M (2014)
From mobile phone data to the spatial structure of cities.
Scientific Reports 4, 5276.
Open science:
Highlights: MIT Tech Review
Lenormand M, Huet S & Gargiulo F (2014)
Generating French virtual commuting network at municipality level.
Journal of Transport and Land Use 7, 43-55.
Open science:
Lenormand M & Deffuant G (2013)
Generating a synthetic population of individuals in households: Sample-free vs sample-based methods.
Journal of Artificial Societies and Social Simulation 16, 12.
Open science:
Lenormand M, Jabot F & Deffuant G (2013)
Adaptive approximate Bayesian computation for complex models.
Computational Statistics 28, 2777-2796.
Open science:
Lenormand M, Huet S, Gargiulo F & Deffuant G (2012)
A universal model of commuting networks.
PLOS ONE 7, e45985.
Open science:
Lenormand M, Huet S & Deffuant G (2012)
Deriving the number of jobs in proximity services from the number of inhabitants in French rural municipalities.
PLOS ONE 7, e40001.
Open science:
Gargiulo F, Lenormand M, Huet S & Baqueiro Espinosa O (2012)
Commuting network model: Getting the essentials.
Journal of Artificial Societies and Social Simulation 15, 6.
Open science:
Lenormand M (2023) Mapping mobile service usage diversity in cities.
NetMob 2023, Madrid, Spain.
Open science:
[arXiv extended version]
Lenormand M, Louail T, Barthelemy M & Ramasco JJ (2016) Is spatial information in ICT data reliable?
Spatial Accuracy 2016, Montpellier, France.
Open science:
[arXiv extended version]
Louf R, Carra G, Commenges H, Dembele J-M, Gallotti R, Lenormand M, Louail T & Barthelemy M (2015) Spatial structure and efficiency of commuting in Senegalese cities.
NetMob 2015, Boston, United States.
Open science:
Lenormand M (2012)
Initialize and calibrate a dynamic stochastic microsimulation model: Application to the SimVillages model.
PhD thesis, Blaise Pascal university, Clermont-Ferrand, France.
Open science:
Lenormand M (2009)
Analyse de données relatives à l’évolution des communes d’Auvergne pour la sélection de communes prototypiques.
MSc thesis, Blaise Pascal university, Clermont-Ferrand, France.
Open science: